Go therefore and make disciples of all nations
Matthew 28:19
Every Christian is a missionary to someone – somewhere. Whether it is in our home, community, or beyond, there are those that God wants to touch – through us! Throughout the year we will provide opportunities to help you serve.
Missions Month 2025
Each year, Family Church sets aside a month to emphasize the importance of missions in the life of the church as we seek to fulfill the Great Commission. We will emphasize a different aspect of our participation over the month of February. You will have the opportunity to learn more about what God is doing locally and around the world to bring people to himself through Jesus Christ.

Every Christian is a missionary to someone – somewhere. Whether it is in our home, community, or beyond, there are those that God wants to touch – through us! Let all commit to be ‘on mission’ every day, taking the Gospel to those who need to hear ‘Good News.’
-Pastor Jim & Shirley

"Ask the Lord of the harvest to send out workers into his harvest field." - Luke 10:2
We have 5 prayer tools to help us as we partner with both IMB and our Independent Missionaries in the Field, at home and abroad. Let use these 5 tools in 2024, to faithfully PRAY for our Missionaries.

"Be generous...and your generosity will result in thanksgiving to God " - 2 Corinthians 9:11
Cooperative Program Giving - We will send a check each month from our Church budget to the Cooperative Program of the Southern Baptist Convention.
Giving to other Missionaries and Ministries - We will send a monthly check from our budget to support these non-Southern Baptist missionaries.
Giving to other Missionaries and Ministries - We will send a monthly check from our budget to support these non-Southern Baptist missionaries.

"After they had fasted and prayed, they laid hands on them and sent them off." – Acts 13:2
Our Missions Committee will prayerfully consider opportunities each year for individuals and teams to go on stateside and international trips. They will promote the trip and hope that every member of Family Church will prayerfully consider going, if at all possible, as well as pray for other members who should participate.

"Go and make disciples of all nations." - Matthew 28:19
Locally, we are committed to the serving and supporting several Community Connections. We are also planning to GO on several mission trips this year. We hope everyone will find at least one way you can be supportive and serve.

Upcoming Mission Trips
In 2025, we are prayerfully considering the following trips. For more information about these mission trips send an email to Pastor Scott Allred.

Wolmerson, Germany
English Camp
July 15-27, 2025
This trip is for Young Adults to help teach conversational English to German students 13-18 years old. In addition to teaching conversational English lessons, volunteers will interact with students by playing games, sharing meals, worship services, and evening Bible studies. The ability to speak German is NOT required. Cost is approximately $1,400, this includes all meals and lodging at the camp! The team is limited to 8 people.

SEND Relief
Shreveport, LA
July 19-23, 2025
SEND Relief operates a ministry called The Hub. The Hub: Urban Ministries in Shreveport, LA, is on a mission to give everyone in the city access to a restored life! We do that through providing rescue, relationships, resources, and recovery to the homeless, those experiencing poverty, and women and children who have experienced sexual exploitation and/or human trafficking.
Ask the Lord of the harvest to send out workers into his harvest field. - Luke 10:2 Our team will be serving those who are in the healing process from their previous experiences and helping
point them to a restored life in Christ. This trip is best
for Young Adults and Young Married couples.
The cost for this trip is approximately $500.
Ask the Lord of the harvest to send out workers into his harvest field. - Luke 10:2 Our team will be serving those who are in the healing process from their previous experiences and helping
point them to a restored life in Christ. This trip is best
for Young Adults and Young Married couples.
The cost for this trip is approximately $500.

Florida Baptist Disaster Relief and Recovery Ministries
The mission of Florida Baptist Disaster Relief and Recovery Ministries is to “Make a difference” in times of disaster by connecting Florida Baptist Churches and Associations to people and communities impacted by disaster and by responding with Help, Healing, and Hope, that demonstrates and shares the love of Christ. We have an ongoing need for volunteers who have been trained and prepared to help during a disaster. You can go through training in-person or online to be ready to answer the call.
Operation Christmas Child
Shoebox Mission Trip - Atlanta, Ga
December 2025
Before the millions of shoebox gifts collected each year can bring hope and joy to children around the world, each one has to be carefully inspected and made ready for international shipment by volunteers. You will be able to handle and pray over hundreds of boxes before they are shipped around the world to bless a boy or girl, leading to a Gospel presentation with each gift. This trip is open to anyone 13 or older (13-17 year olds must be accompanied by a chaperone).
The cost of this trip is
approximately $500.
The cost of this trip is
approximately $500.
Before the millions of shoebox gifts collected each year can bring hope and joy to children around the world, each one has to be carefully inspected and made ready for international shipment by volunteers. You will be able to handle and pray over hundreds of boxes before they are shipped around the world to bless a boy or girl, leading to a Gospel presentation with each gift. This trip is open to anyone 13 or older (13-17 year olds must be accompanied by a chaperone). The cost of this trip is approximately $800 (dependent upon transportation costs).
Previous Mission Trips

Send Relief Atlanta/Clarkston Mission Trip
June 10-16, 2023
June 2023 we sent a team to Atlanta, Ga, for an immersive experience at the Send Relief Ministry Center. The team were able to engage in refugee ministry as well as various ministry outreach projects throughout the Atlanta metro area.

OCC Mission Trip - December 4-8, 2023
In December 2023 we sent a team to Atlanta, GA to serve in a Operation Christmas Child processing center.
OCC Mission Trip - December 5-9, 2022
December 2022 we sent a team to Atlanta, GA to serve in a Operation Christmas Child processing center.
OCC Mission Trip - December 8-11, 2021
December 2021 we sent a team to Boone, North Carolina to serve in a Operation Christmas Child distribution center.
Before the millions of shoebox gifts collected each year can bring hope and joy to children around the world, each one has to be carefully inspected and made ready for international shipment by volunteers. You will be able to handle and pray over hundreds of boxes before they are shipped around the world to bless a boy or girl, leading to a Gospel presentation with each gift. This trip is open to anyone 13 or older (13-17 year olds must be accompanied by a chaperone). The cost of this trip is approximately $800 (dependent upon transportation costs).