Striving together for stronger families knowing Christ, growing in Christ, and serving Christ.

Family Group for young families at Family Church PC
"Therefore, as you received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in him, rooted and built up in him and established in the faith, just as you were taught, abounding in thanksgiving."
-Colossians 2:6-7
We do this at Family Church by offering large group worship, Bible study, and fellowship options for the family to grow in their understanding of God's truth and creating a community that lives life together and invests in each other. 

Core Values

Our Gatherings (Groups)

"And they devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and the prayers."
-Acts 2:42

Tuesday & Wednesday Night groups begin August 13 & 14. 

I hope you will plan to join us for Strive! We will be spending time together in fellowship, learning about foundational doctrine and digging into the Word. We will have both Tuesday & Wednesday. The books we will be using to guide our study ate listed below as well as differences for each night. 
Tuesday Leader Mike Messina

Tuesday Schedule

6:00pm – Food & Fellowship (Pot-Luck)
6:30pm – Bible study and children’s activities (w/Parents & YA volunteers)
7:00pm – Small groups and children’s activities
7:45pm - Dismiss
Wednesday Leader Pastor Brandon Phillips
Wednesday Schedule

5:30pm - Supper in cafeteria for donation
6:00pm - Ministry for all Ages - Childcare (Birth-2 Years)
 AWANA (2 Years-5th Grade) & Student ministry(6th-12th Grade)
6:15pm - Bible Study
6:45pm - Prayer Groups
7:30pm - Kids pick up and dismissal

Upcoming Events

Parenting Conference with Dr. Jonathan Williams
God's Heart for Our Home
Friday, August 23 & Saturday, August 24, 2024

The cost is $30 per couple or $15 for a single parent

Dr. Williams will be teaching parents how to address the issues faced by children today and equip parents to lead the family in discipleship and worship that grows the whole family to be more like Jesus.
Childcare available with reservation.
September 27, 2024 - September 29, 2024
Friday at 7:00 PM - Sunday at 12:30 PM

Grand Hyatt Tampa Bay
2900 Bayport Drive, Tampa, Florida, 33607, USA


Contact Us

For more information on Strive Together, contact Pastor Brandon Phillips using the form below.